


MIT folks make a splash at the US LUA Meeting

MIT all over the USLUA Landscape
Added by Christoph Paus almost 8 years ago

BIG congrats to our Rising Star and Lightning Round Winner: Zeynep Demiragli!!

But MIT is all over the USLUA Landscape

Zeynep Demiragli (MIT postdoc) and Javier Duarte (was MIT UROP with our group) are winners of the Lightning Round competition.

Phil Ilten (MIT postdoc and UROP with our group) and Ian Moult (Jesse Thalers PhD student) gave great talks.

The official message!


Subject: USLUA Lightning Round winners announcement
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 16:18:46 -0600
From: Jessica Metcalfe <>
CC: Harvey Newman <> =====================

Dear US LHC Users Association members,

Last week we had an engaging meeting of the USLUA in Berkeley. The Lightning Round competition for students and postdocs was fast paced and of excellent quality. We would like to take this moment to thank all of those who participated!

The top 6 winners were announced at the end of the meeting, they are:

Demiragli, Zeynep        Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 
Duarte, Javier Mauricio Fermi National Accelerator Lab.
Hyneman, Rachel Jordan University of Michigan
Ravaioli, Emmanuele LBNL
Shuve, Brian SLAC
Swiatlowski, Maximilian University of Chicago

In addition, we would like to announce the following people, who also gave excellent talks, to join us on the annual USLUA DC trip:

Gleyzer, Sergei             University of Florida
Grogan, Dayton Parker Duke University
Iten, Phil MIT
Khader, Mazin Woodrow Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
McCormack, William Patrick LBNL
Meehan, Samuel Ross University of Washington
Moult, Ian Berkeley/LBL
Zeng, Qi SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Thanks for all those who helped host, organize, and attended. We hope to see you again next year!

Best Regards,
USLUA executive committee
